The Effect of Testosterone Propionate on Mammary Tumors in Mice of the C3H Strain
A rela t ionship be tween estrogenic activity and the product ion of tumors of the m a m m a r y g land has been clearly demons t r a t ed in various strains of mice. In v iew of the inh ib i tory action of testosterone on estrus, lactation, and the vaginal response to estrone in mice (4, 5), t he possibility of affecting spontaneous t u m o r format ion by inhib i t ion of estrogenic activity seemed wor thy of fu r the r invest igat ion. In 1936 , Lacassagne (2) reported that injections of testosterone had not al tered the inc idence of spontaneous m a m m a r y cancer in females of a h igh cancer strain, but the a m o u n t of h o r m o n e used was small. This report presents the end results of long-cont inued adminis t ra t ion of testosterone propionate on the developmen t of spontaneous m a m m a r y carc inoma in female mice of a h igh cancer strain (a ) w h e n injections were begun by the 5th week of life, and (b ) w h e n injections were given to older females wi th a history of n o r m a l breeding. It also includes observations on the fai lure of testosterone to affect the g r o w t h rate of m a m m a r y carc inoma in mice w h e n admin i s te red after the t u m o r is of palpable size. T h e exper iments were started in the spring of 1938 and extended over 2 years. T h e y were well unde r way w h e n the repor t of N a t h a n s o n and A n d e r v o n t (3) was published, bu t since our exper iments differed in some respects f rom theirs, it was decided to con t inue them.
منابع مشابه
Effect of progesterone on the development of mammary cancer in C3H mice.
In experiments by Lipschiitz, Murillo, and Vargas (3) it was shown that progesterone given in a proportion of 150:1 of estradiol prevented the uterine fibromatosis otherwise provoked by estradiol in guinea pigs. Heiman (1) investigated the effect of progesterone on the incidence of mammary cancer in RIII mice and found that the occurrence of these tumors was conTumor in siderably reduced thereb...
متن کامل[GANN, 58, 291-295; June, 1967] UDC 618.19-006-092:621.664:612.018.2[577.176.31] INFLUENCE OF TESTOSTERONE IN INTACT AND MAMMECTOMISED FEMALE MICE*1
Spontaneous mammary tumour incidence, at death, of intact C3H(Jax) virgin female mice was not altered by treatment with testosterone propionate, given upto the beginning of tumour age. In 6 out of 12 mice, testosterone delayed the appearance of tumours and thus added to their longevity significantly. The type of mammary tumours obtained in testosterone-treated female mice was largely similar to...
متن کاملThe incidence of spontaneous hepatomas in C3H, C3H (low milk factor), and CBA mice and the effect of estrogen and androgen on the occurrence of these tumors in C3H mice.
Andervont (2) has recently reviewed the litera ture on the occurrence of spontaneous hepatomas in C8H and CBA mice. It is now well established (1, 3, 6, 10, 13, 14) that mice of these strains may develop spontaneous hepatomas and that these tumors most commonly arise in older mice, i.e., those more than 1 year old. Furthermore, many previous studies (2, 4-7, 9, 10) on C3H and CBA mice have indi...
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An ovarian-responsive mammary tumor subline, T4-OR26, was isolated from an outgrowth of a progressed TPDMT-4 pregnancy-dependent mammary tumor in a virgin ODD mouse. T4-OR26 tumors were characterized by significantly faster growth in virgin mice than in ovariectomized mice. Both estrogen and progesterone were important for growth of the subline, as they were for that of the parent. Tamoxifen (T...
متن کاملDifferential response of an ovarian-responsive mouse mammary tumor to androgenic and estrogenic agents.
An ovarian-responsive mammary tumor subline, T4-OR26, was isolated from an outgrowth of a progressed TPDMT-4 pregnancy-dependent mammary tumor in a virgin DDD mouse. T4-OR26 tumors were characterized by significantly faster growth in virgin mice than in ovariectomized mice. Both estrogen and progesterone were important for growth of the subline, as they were for that of the parent. Tamoxifen (T...
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